The Heroine of the Hundred Years' War – A Brief Biography of Joan of Arc

The Life of Joan of Arc (c. 1412-1431)

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc, born around 1412 in the small village of Domrémy in northeastern France, emerged as one of history's most remarkable and unlikely military leaders. She was born into a peasant family and grew up during the Hundred Years' War, a protracted conflict between France and England. Joan's early life was marked by devout Catholic faith, and at the age of 13, she began to experience visions of saints and angels, including Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret. These visions and voices urged her to support Charles VII, the Dauphin of France, and help drive the English from French territory.

In 1429, at the age of 17, Joan made her way to the court of Charles VII. Despite initial skepticism, her fervent conviction and the desperate state of French forces persuaded Charles to allow her to accompany an army to the besieged city of Orléans. Joan’s presence and unwavering faith galvanized the French troops, leading to a series of unexpected victories. The lifting of the siege of Orléans was a turning point in the war, revitalizing the French cause and earning Joan the nickname "The Maid of Orléans." Her success bolstered French morale and lent credibility to Charles VII's claim to the throne.

Following the victory at Orléans, Joan played a crucial role in several other military campaigns, including the Battle of Patay, which further weakened English positions. Her influence extended beyond the battlefield; she was instrumental in persuading Charles VII to proceed to Reims for his coronation. This event, which took place in July 1429, was a symbolic and strategic milestone, as Reims was the traditional site for the coronation of French kings. Joan stood by Charles during the ceremony, underscoring her pivotal role in his ascension and the legitimization of his reign.

Despite her successes, Joan's fortunes changed in 1430 when she was captured by Burgundian forces, allies of the English, during an attempt to liberate the town of Compiègne. She was handed over to the English and subsequently put on trial for charges including heresy, witchcraft, and dressing like a man. The trial, held by an ecclesiastical court, was marred by political motivations and procedural irregularities. Despite her compelling defense, Joan was found guilty and condemned to death. On May 30, 1431, at the age of 19, she was burned at the stake in Rouen, leaving a profound legacy of faith and bravery.

Joan of Arc's story did not end with her death. Twenty-five years later, a posthumous retrial ordered by Pope Callixtus III cleared her of all charges, declaring her a martyr. In 1920, Joan was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, affirming her enduring legacy. She remains a symbol of French unity and nationalism, as well as a testament to the power of individual conviction and courage. Joan of Arc's extraordinary life, from her humble beginnings to her pivotal role in French history, continues to inspire and resonate with people around the world, highlighting the impact a single determined individual can have on the course of history.